St. Thomas monthly religious education, Together Growing in Faith or TGIF meets on Epiphany Sunday in the church center. While students attend classroom activities, their parents and other adults from the church, this month, learned about the many services provided by Catholic Charities, Diocese of Youngstown with guest speaker, Rachel Hrbolich diocesan director of Catholic Charities. Each month features a special speaker for adults, as children continue their religious education with our dedicated teachers and staff.
2024 Journey to Jesus. Every year on Epiphany Sunday, the preschool class at St. Thomas TGIF learn about the 3 Kings who visited Jesus in the Manger by following the Christmas Star. The children follow their example to visit the Creche in the Church. Class starts out with the children hearing the story of the 3 Wise Men and their journey, following the Star to Bethlehem. Then the children decorate their own crowns and follow the star to the manger, where they learn about Jesus in the Manger, and the many visitors including shepherds, other children and the Magi that came to pay homage to the King of Kings.